I made these pottery items. I made lots more but they aren't ready to bring home yet as they need to be fired and glazed. Pottery is something I've always wanted to try but always put off. The six classes I took were very relaxing and I'm now glad I've fulfilled a small ambition.
What hobby or new occupation have you wanted to try?
Why haven't you done it yet?
1) Could you write a story about someone (it could be you) who dreamed of doing something like pottery or asking someone for a date and then did it?
Were their expectations met or exceeded or was the activity a disappointment?
Write a story with a traditional start middle and end structure.
2) What about a story about someone doing something they didn't want to do or dreaded like paint-balling or standing up to a difficult person. You could try a different story structure such as writing your story as a diary for example.
What happens to make a person have to do these things?
Sometimes we can be surprised to find ourselves enjoying something unexpected, or facing up to something difficult with good courage.
The two scenarios will give you very different stories.