Saturday, 20 April 2013

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Writing Short Stories by Ailsa Cox.

I always borrow books from the library partly because I've run out of space to store them and mainly because I don't want to spend money on a book if I don't like it or it's not what I need. When I've had a book out three times I reckon it's good enough to buy.
The Oldham Library copy of Writing Short Stories by Ailsa Cox has three dates stamps from when I loaned it. It's a great read for writers. Full of ideas, tips and sources. I've bought a copy for my kindle where it takes up hardly any space and doesn't need dusting.
If you're looking for books that help with writing, have a look at this one. Written by a story writer and teacher who has been generous with her knowledge, it is a good read as well as being one of those books you can dip into when you need ideas.  

Well worth the overdue fees.

First published by Routledge in 2005.
ISBN  0-203-96262-1

French Field

This photograph of a field in Brittany, France, was taken at 7.45am on a late August morning. Mist had gathered in the air and no one other than me was there to see it. Beyond the trees there is a hamlet with fewer than thirty residents, living in old style houses. At this time they would all be up and ready for the day ahead.

Write several sentences about this photo.
Imagine the dwellings that are nearby, just out of vision. Write about who lives there.
Write about how this picture makes you feel.
Write about the imagined owner of the field?
What is the field used for?
Imagine the identity of the person viewing the filed. Is it you or an imaginary person?
Write about the purpose of their journey.

Use your notes and musings to create a poem. You could try something small and disciplined such as a haiku which contains 17 syllables divided over three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables. Punctuation can be placed where you think it's needed.

You could also write free verse. Use half rhymes, poetic language and metaphors to transform your notes into something poetic. Get rid of superfluous words. Write as many lines as you need.

Put the first draft of your work away for a couple of weeks before revising it. That way you get the chance to see the work as though for the first time and have a good chance of seeing flaws that can be erased.

How far do you need to travel to see a field like this? Write about the journey to that field.